Tianhua academy held a special deployment meeting to implement the ten major action plans

来源: 天华院

Recently, sun center, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the board of directors of the company, presided over a special meeting and made special arrangements for the implementation of the ten major action plans of the company.

At the meeting, sun center conveyed the deployment requirements of the top ten action plans of the group company, required all functional departments to integrate the current domestic economic situation and the actual situation of the company's scientific research, production and operation, take the party's construction as the command, thoroughly implement the development concept of "science first" of the group company, comprehensively compare the top ten action plans of the group company, and clarify the content of the top ten action plans of the company and their breakdown and implementation Plan. According to the work deployment requirements of the company's Party committee, all functional departments should continuously strengthen the HSE management level, consolidate the foundation of safety production, focus on benefit growth, strengthen customer cooperation, achieve new breakthroughs in sales mode, put science first, continuously carry out comprehensive benchmarking work, make strategic positioning, strengthen incentives, enhance vitality, prevent financial risks, improve the procurement system and strengthen cost control; Ten aspects, including strengthening internal control management, promoting legal and compliant operation of various works, consolidating and deepening party construction, leading high-quality development, reported the annual work plan and its implementation plan.

The leading group of the company discussed and improved the top ten action plans and plans submitted by each department, and required each action plan to specify the person in charge and the leading department, achieve in-depth collaboration among departments, and do a solid job in promoting the implementation of the top ten action plans. At the same time, the company is required to firmly establish the idea of "overall situation and one game of chess", unify thoughts and gather strength, perform their duties and work together to overcome difficulties, closely focus on the company's 2020 set goals and ten major action plans, further improve ideological awareness, strengthen work measures, and boost the company's high-quality development with rock solid confidence and perseverance.

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