Fully promote epidemic prevention and control and return to work and production under the guidance of Party Construction

来源: 天华院

In 2020, I will be gengzi. The novel coronavirus pneumonia spread throughout the country. In order to overcome the epidemic, the whole country launched a national "campaign" to overcome the difficulties. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Tianhua hospital has been actively preparing for the overall deployment of leaders, the active leadership of Party members, the joint prevention and control of all departments, the active cooperation of employees and the orderly work of epidemic prevention.

Organize and lead to build Tianhua fortress

The vicissitudes of the sea show the heroism. Countless times of historical experience have proved that the more critical the moment is, the more the whole Chinese nation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China will be able to burst out infinite combat effectiveness and overcome various difficulties that lie ahead. The epidemic is a crisis and a big test. In order to prevent novel coronavirus pneumonia, Tian Hua hospital quickly organized the team leader, Sun Wei, the party secretary, chairman and general manager in January 16th. Wang Zhijie, Zhang Yi and Da Yu Qing were the leaders of the new leader pneumonia epidemic prevention group. The leading group set up emergency offices, and deployed the fight against epidemic situation in a comprehensive manner. All departments and Party branches worked together to clarify the division of labor and implement the responsibilities, giving full play to the role of the Party branch as a battleground and ensuring the effective and orderly implementation of the epidemic prevention and control work.

Party leaders in action employees actively participate

Epidemic situation is order, prevention and control is responsibility. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, in order to ensure the normal operation of the resumption of work and production, the company's leaders took the lead and the emergency office organized the implementation of a number of targeted epidemic prevention and control measures. From daily temperature measurement and killing to personnel access, from workplace to single dormitory, epidemic prevention and control is implemented in every corner of the company.

At the beginning of the epidemic (during the Spring Festival), all employees of the safety and environment department shall be on duty in time to prepare prevention and control matters in advance: actively report, communicate and interface with the group company, the equipment company and the local government, timely release information to employees, and convey the relevant requirements of the party and the state for epidemic prevention and control. Wang Shengquan and other comrades of the safety and environment department worked overtime for several consecutive days to do the details before the single staff returned to work. Wang Lei of the procurement department raised funds from various sources and visited businesses to purchase kn94 masks and various prevention and control materials for the staff in time according to the instructions of the company's leaders. In the work of prevention, control and temperature measurement, leaders of the office, section office, condition guarantee department and other departments called on colleagues to "key points" At all times, Party members should take the lead; the emergency office and the Discipline Inspection Commission Office should carefully supervise and inspect to keep the first checkpoint of epidemic prevention and control for resumption of work; in the process of killing in public areas, registration and control of vehicles and outsiders, Party members should take the lead and support the masses to keep the second checkpoint of epidemic prevention and control in hospitals.

Support the epidemic with practical actions

In the face of this no gunpowder epidemic prevention and control interdiction war, Tianhua has put forward its own responsibility and wisdom. The majority of Party members and cadres actively respond to the call of the CPC Central Committee, SASAC, the CPC group company Party committee and the Organization Department of Lanzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on organizing party members to donate voluntarily to support the epidemic prevention and control. The leading group members of the Party committee take the lead in donating, and all branches take active actions. Party members and the masses make voluntary contributions to support the epidemic prevention and control. Tianhua Institute participated in the research and development of the deep VOC removal device of melt blown polypropylene for masks of Lanzhou research center of CNPC, which was successfully put into operation, contributing Tianhua's technology and command to the fight against the epidemic, and showing Tianhua's good sense of social responsibility.

Fluorescence converges and makes a brilliant star river. Party members, cadres and the masses work together to show the original intention and mission of the party members with their practical dedication and actions; fighting "epidemic" side by side, overcoming the time and difficulties, gathering the great power to win the prevention and control of the epidemic Resistance War, and playing a music of inspiring Chinese people.

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