Gather one''s heart and work hard to create a new situation

来源: 天华院

On March 25, Wang Zhijie, member of the Party committee and deputy general manager of Tianhua academy, gave a special lecture on the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee in the Ministry of industry development and gave a special lecture on the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee in accordance with the requirements of the Party committee of Tianhua Academy for leading groups to enter the front line, workshops and teams.

In the preach session, Wang Zhijie closely linked the the fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee theme of the party, and combined with Xi Jinping's learning experience and understanding of the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, linking China with history and reality, integrating international and domestic theories, and combining theory with practice, from the efforts to grasp Marx's methodology and working methods, from the fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee's historical position, great significance. The significance, the basic logic of system and governance, the theme connotation and other aspects have been explained in a comprehensive and systematic way. This is not only a spiritual propaganda meeting with rich connotation, but also a new party lesson re education.

Wang Zhijie demanded that major political issues should be determined and determined, and that we should never make our own decisions or stand in disorder. We should fully understand the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, arm our minds with innovative theories, enhance publicity and implementation, strengthen our confidence, do our best, strive to create a new situation in all work, and ensure that the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee is implemented.

Wang Zhijie stressed that the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the national governance system are guided by Marxism, rooted in China, have a profound foundation of Chinese culture, and are the fundamental achievements made by the party and the people through long-term struggle, relay exploration, hard work and great cost. We must cherish them, unswervingly adhere to them, and develop with the times.

After the lecture, in view of the integration of the Ministry of industry development in 2020 and future business development, Wang Zhijie had face-to-face communication with all employees of the Ministry of industry development, mainly listened to the opinions and suggestions of the employees on institutional integration, title selection, quality improvement of manuscripts in two journals of chemical machinery and chemical automation and instrumentation, and recorded on the spot One answer.

At the meeting, Wang Zhijie hoped that all the staff and workers would cherish the development stage provided by the company, concentrate their efforts, be down-to-earth, have a clear account book of income and expenditure in mind, be a good man, make overall planning and coordination of Finance and materials, and strive to open up a new situation and new atmosphere of the industry development department. The company would continue to support and care about the development of the industry development department.

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